Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Trump's softer tone fudges the truth & pulls the wool over his supporters eyes!

Donald Trump's inaugural congressional address last night showed a different, more upbeat, more Presidential Trump.  He spoke of a "new chapter of American greatness" and called for Republicans and Democrats to unite to solve the nations problems.  He was more conciliatory, more measured and less controversial with (according to a CNN poll) 57% of those watching having a positive reaction to his messages.  But is it just more Trump slight of hand or are we really seeing a man growing into the job?

To be honest I think the jury is still out.  This was, at the end of the day, just one speech.  There were no press questions to rattle his cage.  He was able to read it from an autocue and for once, he seemed prepared and was not speaking extemporaneously.  However, for me it was more of a campaign speech, he promised much, but as in every speech before the detail on the mechanics of his policies, how they will work, how they will be paid for, was all but absent.

He spoke of a $1trillion infrastructure expenditure plan with "new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and railways gleaming across our very, very beautiful land, " which he said would provide millions of new jobs and would be financed through a partnership between public and private funds.  This all sounds wonderful but where's the reality check?  Private companies need to turn a profit to yield suitable dividends for their shareholders.  Where is the profit in building a road?  Or a bridge?  Or a tunnel?  Unless of course all of these are to come with a toll payable by all who use them!  And given the tax cuts he proposes where is the public money to come from?  America has, as of today, a national debt of very nearly $20trillion, that's over $61,000 per capita!!!  The truth is that it is simply unsustainable and unrealistic.

Trump listed many companies (e.g. Fiat-Chrysler, GM, Lockheed, Intel, etc) that will invest billions and create thousands of new jobs.  Whilst this is true and not more of  his 'alternative facts', it is misleading and far from the real truth.  His supporters don't want to hear it, but actually a Bloomberg analysis showed that the vast majority of these 'deals' pre-date Trump and were in place before the election, and what's more many of them do not create any 'new' employment at all!

Then there's the proposed $54bn increase in defence spending.  The cost of the 'wall' which seems to be going up on a daily basis but is perhaps conservatively estimated at $21bn, and will be paid for by US tax payers, not by the Mexicans as promised.  It just doesn't add up mathematically despite the cuts that are proposed in order to pay for much of it!

Then there was his claims that the "vast majority of individuals convicted of terrorism-related offences since 9/11 came here from outside our country" which was just plain NOT true.  He quoted figures that don't exist, and those that do were flawed and biased because they were merely (terror) tips that didn't add up to anything and did not result in any prosecutions or attacks.  And of those 'attacks' that did actually exist, 50% were committed by US born citizens, far from the majority of foreign attackers he said!  Again this sort of rhetoric sounds great and looks great but is based on lies and distorted facts that Trump twists to suit his purpose because he knows that most people do not scratch beneath the surface to find the truth of what he saying.  These lies then become the alternative facts on which he bases his policies, but foundations built upon untruths are going to come tumbling down at some point and when they do, watch out!

In summary whilst it was refreshing to see a less belligerent President Trump it was still a speech that preached to the converted; a speech that rang all the right bells provided you don't look too closely at the structure of the bell tower.  I'm not convinced by Trump's rhetoric and I'm not convinced that this is the start of a more presidential phase.  Trump is a master manipulator who skillfully blends facts, half-truths and out right lies together in such a way that it masks reality, blurring the lines between the possible and the impossible, the facts and the so-called alternative facts.  If he can cut out the bullshit, the constant meltdowns in press conferences, the ridiculously, childish attacks against the media that may express a differing point of view (from his), the rabid anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant rhetoric and maintain a much calmer tone over an extended period then he would be much more likely to dampen down the storms of protest against him and may actually get a few more on board.

But don't hold your breath!

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