Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Brexit chaos & what I think should happen next?

Just when you thought it couldn't get any more chaotic we now have a leadership challenge to the Prime Minister.  If Rees-Mogg or Johnson could have picked a worse time for this then I don't know when that would be!  I cannot but think that the loudest Tory voices against May are making a self-centred power grab when the PM and the nation are at the lowest ebb.  Is it purely a political decision to bring this challenge?
No, not in the least!  I believe it is a power grab, pure and simple!  What the nation thinks is no more than an irritant to these divisive, selfish characters who can't see beyond their own selfish desires!  Many are now saying that crashing out of the EU with no deal is not the death march that they've been calling it along!  They are only now advocating this as a viable option because they release that if they get their sordid, grubby little mitts on anything approaching power they know damn well it's the best they can get for the UK!  And fuck all the people who will be damaged in the process.
In the referendum I voted to remain.  I am unequivocal about this and still feel that staying in the EU would have been the best thing to do for the country and everyone's future.  However, the result went against me and as a firm believer in democracy I stand by that result.
We must leave the EU.
Okay, those things said, the question remains as to exactly how we should leave the EU, and on that the nation is utterly bereft of any unanimity.  Some 17.4mn people voted to leave and I bet if you polled those people there would be a similar number of opinions on what Brexit should look like.
Yes, Theresa May's government is in chaos.  The Tories are split, but not just down the middle, they are fractured beyond all recognition.  May's position is, on the face of it, utterly untenable, but I firmly believe that any other leader in her position would undoubtedly find themselves similarly floundering.
In this I believe the governemnt erred when they went into the negotiations alone when surely a cross party negotiating team would have been far more constructive and may have helped limit the many fractures we see across all parties now.  But it is too late now for what if's and what should have been's.  We are where are and we need to work together to make it work for the younger people of the UK who will have to live whatever decision is made for far longer than me and the vast majority of those MPs in whose hands their future lies.
In many ways the internal rifts within the Tories is a microcosm of what we see in the nation itself.  But I see remarkably similar rifts and chasms within the opposition who only seem to be able to agree on the fact they want a general election which they feel they would probably win.  But even if that option were to play out Labour's Brexit strategy is completely unworkable.  They are still advocating a cloud cuckoo Brexit which the EU will never, ever agree to and I find it almost laughable that they still cling to this ridiculous fantasy!
But in that regard they are certainly not alone.  The many MPs who are rubbishing the 'backstop' and ask for it to be removed from the withdrawl agreement are also living a dream.  The EU have made it clear that the 'backstop' is a must in any deal, whatever it's shape, colour or description!  All that is required here is a modicum of trust from those 'backstop' sceptics.  The EU has made it clear that the 'backstop' will only ever come into force if a trade deal cannot be reached, and both sides have made it clear that reaching a trade deal will probably be the easiest negotiation of all!  Okay, if you want that in legally binding language then so be it, but please, stop feeding the public lies about fantasy Brexit deals without a 'backstop' because such an animal just does not exist!!
I have no answers as to what we can do to stabilise the UK.  If we do leave with the current deal (or something very much like it) it will, without doubt, lead to the break up of the Union which to my mind would be the greatest tragedy of all.
Far from ripping the country apart, deepening divisions and breaking the fragile Brexit process MP's on all sides should be pulling together to make the whole thing work.  This deal might not be the best deal for everyone, but I say again, such a thing does not exist, so please, please, let's just get on with making this current deal work and try to heal the cuts and wounds of the past few years before they fester and infect every part of the nation.

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