Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Theresa Dis'May & A Brexit Life

Theresa Dis'May & A Brexit Life

Brexit, Brexit, the word that
Hexed it! The UK is done
The Union is dusted!
No deal can be reached, we're all
But busted! Persistent resilience
We see in Theresa but where we ask
Is all the shiny brilliance?
Our MP's are all fighting like kids in a playground,
Opinions divided, quorum subsided,
Insults abound, all Parties run aground,
No one seems to know which way to go round!
Democracy be damned,
A People's Vote behind which they hide,
'Cos the elected officials cannot decide,
It's a shambles they say as they bitch and deride,
No confidence is cried, the alternatives have died
As the nation sinks and weeps, and takes another broadside!

Oh Theresa, Theresa, your Party just
Wants to freeza ya out in the cold,
But you are too strong, too brave, too bold!
They connive, they contrive,
But none have your drive!
For all of their bitchin', all of their moaning.
No other workable deals are emergin',
Yet time is against us, 'gainst you,
As the seconds whittle down, we are almost vergin'
'pon crashing out without an agreement,
A nation enthralled, a national bereavement,
Because whatever they say,
Whatever they do, there is no doubt
That no deal will surely spill us all out the spout
Worse off, isolated, with house prices down,
Sterling in crisis, as our economy flounders,
The UK sinks and begins to drown!

Labour they call for a general election.
But what I must ask will that bring?
Yet more division to sever the people
When what we need is unification,
To all stand together 'neath tower and steeple,
A clarion call, a beacon under which
We can muster, link arms, hold fast
We are British,
We are British,
We cannot be broken, we are not skittish
Stronger together, weaker apart,
The Welsh, the Irish, the English and Scottish,
Brothers in arms, we must remain British.
Stubborn, proud, yet making everyone welcome
No matter their colour, no matter their creed,
Our heritage is all, we are a united people

So what do we need at this time to be freed?
From the EU a generous extension,
A cross party delegation to reunite the nation,
If needed bring in Southgate and Kane
To alleviate the pain
To renegotiate the deal,
Take it back to the nation!
No more selfish MP's
Out for themselves, thinking only of power
Ignoring their constituents, only
Themselves to please! When all about them
The people they clammer, the people they plea
Get on with this damn Brexit,
We've all had enough, so we can
Banish that word, that broke apart our nation,
Forget all about it, move on, move forward,
In step together, red, white and blue,
Any religion, skin of all hues
Moving as one, all persuasions
Because we are proud, because we are British,
We must heal the abrasions, forget all about
That turgid word that hexed it,
Consign it all to the past that terrible Brexit.

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